Fixing the Fundamentals

Let’s get back to the basic. Not all Artificial Intelligence technology has to be sexy or shiny. We aren’t building over the horizon drones, the next generation of cyber intrusion detection, or acoustics processing. We are building technology that focuses on the fundamentals. Solutions that really matter and that can deliver relief TODAY.

Core Benefits


My one hour of OOD underway will count the EXACT same as everyone else’s one hour of OOD underway. Consistency across the waterfront improves efficiency, reduces errors, and enhances quality control.


Commanders and teams across the waterfront will no longer second guess how strong their watch bill is or the experience of their watch standers.


Commanders will be able to position and stack their team most appropriate to the conditions at hand. Need a seasoned night time watch stander, you now have data to support a decision.


Pen and paper logs are antiquated and lack the ability for commanders to make data driven decision. AI allows the automated processing of large quantities of data thereby increasing insights.